Your unique source for handicrafts and batik from Bali

  Made in Bali
    | Home | Handbags | Sarong | Bed Cover | Batik | Kite | Mask | Musical  Instrument | Wooden Statue | Dream Catcher |    
| Wooden Harley | Wooden Chess Sets | Leaves Journal/Album | Folding Hat/Fan | Mini Surfboards | Wind Chime |
| Order Info | Festival  Schedule | Contact Us |

Our website shows an assortment of high quality items from the variety of handcrafts, souvenirs and batiks mostly from Bali island and also from other parts of Indonesia. We hope, that this wide spectrum of designs will  find your interest. 

Every product you see here is hand-made, hand-carved, hand-painted -- "everything by hand" (you get the idea). The dimensions of the carvings are noted for you, but please understand that all dimensions are approximate, as no two carvings can be made exactly alike.  

Please check FESTIVAL SCHEDULE for our upcoming festivals & shows in your area!

We’re in the process of  modifying our website.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please check back often for updated items & information.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.  Thanks for visiting our website.

Click the picture category below to see detail products info

PatungNgelamun.JPG (23564 bytes)
Wooden Statues

DrPurpXL01_02.JPG (153215 bytes)

MaskTap.JPG (31042 bytes)
HDPen01.JPG (31578 bytes)
Wooden Harley

Folding Hats/Fans

DSC01489.JPG (12532 bytes)
Leaves Journals/Albums

ChSqLStOpen.JPG (38497 bytes)
Wooden Chess Sets

Drum01Luk12x7_5.jpg (19023 bytes)
Musical Instruments

SR-03-02.JPG (57744 bytes)

DSC00694.jpg (58376 bytes)
Handmade Handbags

BNSACS-01-ORG.JPG (15634 bytes)

BCH-SidePainted-A.JPG (24260 bytes)
Wind Chimes

dreamCatcher01.jpg (10003 bytes)
Dream Catchers

SB0501.JPG (24377 bytes)
Mini Surfboards

BCOV-08.JPG (59196 bytes)
Bed Covers


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